

by Dr. Spiker Davis

You should not interpret my experience, ideas or protocol to be the way you should approach or treat your health! I make no medical claims, but I will relate my experiences and my success to date. I will also discuss dental health and what the research has to say regarding dental health and overall health. Then you can make your own decisions. So far, the naysayers were totally wrong! The mouth is the window to your health.

Why would a DENTIST write about dying?

Could your cause of death be related to dental health? It has been shown that 90% of infections or diseases have a link or a connection with oral health according to THE ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY. Causes of decay, gum disease, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and many other conditions (such as some cancers) are all related to diet as a common thread. Improve your dental health and live a longer, healthier life! Sounds far fetched but according to Dr. Charles Mayo, “preventive dentistry can add 10 years to your life”!


It all started in summer of 2017 with some mild chest pains just under my left breast. I blew it off to bench presses at the gym or indigestion. Over the next few months it would come and go. Then all of a sudden the chest pain became severe and it scared me, “OH NO, THE BIG ONE IS COMING OR MAYBE EVEN HERE”!

I ran off to the cardiologist who also seemed very concerned and we ran very extensive tests (EKG, Nuclear Stress tests, PET scan etc.,) and found nothing. “OH YEAH was my comment, so what is causing my chest pain?


The cardiologist referred me to a gastroenterologist claiming that he believed my pain was from heartburn/indigestion.


Off I go for endoscopy and colonoscopy (cameras up both ends). So now we get a diagnosis of inflamed intestines and the removal of a couple of polyps. I was at least instructed by this Dr. to alter my diet (no coffee, less fats, eliminate alcohol and eat a bland diet etc.). I tried this for a month and not much changed.

Actually, as a dentist, I thought I was doing pretty good on my diet as I had weighed the same for about 40 years and avoided a lot of sugar, ate vegetables and worked out at the gym.  So I was convinced that the first cardiologist misdiagnosed my pain so now I go off to the cardiologist who took over for Dr. Debakey. He also ran a lot of tests (a new type of PET scan and more) and still nothing showed up. He said he didn’t know what was causing my chest pain but he was sure it WAS NOT MY HEART! Again, I’m very thankful that it’s not my heart but what the heck is causing this chest pain????


So frustrated, I turn to the only other Dr. that I know-DR. GOOGLE! With minor effort I locate a guy with similar issues and he solved all of his problems by going on the “PALEO DIET”. I didn’t know what that was but it turns out he had written a book about it and he was a dentist (Gum specialist) so I’M IN! After reading his book (“Crazy Good Living”) it sounded like this type of diet might work for me and the book suggested that the Standard American Diet (SAD) was inflammatory and many health issues could be resolved or improved by following the PALEO diet for 30 days.



That was August 20, 2018 and after consulting with my wife (a gourmet cook) we decided to give it a try. What freaked me out was that my chest pain was gone in 3 days! So after almost a year of pain and doctor visits, I suddenly felt fabulous. After a month of being on the diet everything in my body felt or worked better. Many issues were completely gone or drastically improved!