Soft Drinks Once Again Associated With Premature Death
Consumption of soft drinks is once again associated with an increase in all-cause deaths, according to the largest pan-European study to date. The investigators assessed total consumption of soft drinks by examining the intake of sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened beverages separately. The study, led by Amy Mullee, PhD, University College, Dublin, Ireland, was published online September 3 in JAMA Internal Medicine.
“The striking observation in our study was that both sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened soft drink consumption were positively related to risk of all-cause death,” said senior author Neil Murphy, PhD, researcher at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Lyon, France. Compared with those who consumed fewer than one glass per month, those who drank two or more glasses per day of artificially sweetened soft drinks had a 26% higher risk for all-cause mortality (P < .001); those who drank sugar-sweetened beverages had an 8% higher risk (P = .004).
One specific association was a more than 50% increase in cardiovascular disease deaths linked with artificially sweetened drinks but not with sugar-sweetened ones — the latter observation was somewhat of a surprise, Murphy noted. “The results are supportive of public health campaigns aimed at limiting the consumption of soft drinks” and encourage healthier alternatives, say the researchers.
Did you know that people who drink sodas everyday have 62% more decay than those who drink water?
In our opinion you should eliminate all colas from your diet and stick to filtered water and unsweetened tea or coffee. This will definitely limit your risk for decay and lower your risk for premature death. If you must have sweet tea or coffee then use unfiltered raw honey or Agave nectar.