Simple Cocktail of Over the Counter Drugs Works as Good as Opioids

Simple Cocktail of Over the Counter Drugs Works as Good as Opioids



As I am sure you are aware, the entire medical community has been dealing with the opioid crisis.  Since the early 1990’s, the US has gone through a very serious opioid crisis that we hear about on the news almost daily.  When opioids were first introduced, they were used for serious pain, such as open-heart surgery, broken limbs, root canals and wisdom tooth extraction.  With time, the public became obsessed with them and had to have them for lots of other things.  The medical community gradually relaxed what they were giving them for and the next thing you know 80% of worlds consumption of opioids were being consumed in the US and our children were stealing their parents supply and getting high.  At one point, about 90 people a day in the US were dying from an overdose of opioids.  The most common ones were Oxycodone (Percocet) and Hydrocodone (Vicodin).  Apparently just a few days’ worth of them were very addicting.  I even had one patient steal my Prescription pad and started writing his own prescriptions.  Unfortunately, he went to jail and now most doctors don’t want to write a prescription for an opioid.  I personally have not written one in over a year. 

So, if we don’t use opioids anymore, what do we do for severe pain.  About a year ago I heard from a dentist friend of mine about what he called “THE COCKTAIL”.  It was a mixture of Advil and Tylenol and supposedly it worked better than opioids.  I called my friend (Dr. John Seger Cardiologist who collaborates with me on this blog) and asked his opinion.  He confirmed that it seemed to be working just great.  I tried it on a few patients and sure enough, they said it got rid of their pain just fine and there were no side effects.  How great is that?

So, today in my morning email from the ADA (American Dental Association), guess what has just been introduced.

SUMMARY-In my opinion, this dual action Advil can be a game changer.  It is not addicting, does not make you sleepy or hung over and it works great.  As with anything, you don’t want to abuse it and use it every day.  Consult your physician or dentist but for me it works great on all my procedures in my dental office and I’m going to try and never write another opioid prescription.  DON’T EAT SUGAR, EAT PALEO, BRUSH YOUR TEETH AFTER EVERY MEAL, FLOSS TWICE DAILY, RINSE WITH LISTERINE COOL MINT AND SEE YOUR DENTIST REGULARLY! 

Spiker  Davis D.D.S.              John Seger M.D.                    Matt Guerre D.D.S.   


RANT AND RAVE-I just had my first patient in today who had been hospitalized with the COVID.  He spent 21 days in the hospital and most of them were on a ventilator.  And guess What????  They didn’t brush his teeth even once.  The result of that was that he got a strep infection in his heart and now has to be on antibiotics.  Come on hospitals-WAKE UP!  THE MOUTH IS THE WINDOW TO YOUR HEALTH AND YOU HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF IT OR IT WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU!