A dentist who likes smiles! It has guided my entire career. I am now in the peak of my career I see a huge a pivot from just seeing something beautiful to seeing the connections between a beautiful, healthy smile to a beautiful, healthy body. According to the Academy of General Dentistry 90% of all disease has a connection/link to the mouth. Breathing, eating, food, water, germs, viruses , decay, gum infection and even love starts at the mouth. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL THING AND WHAT A MAJOR IMPACT!
As a dentist I see the number one and number two diseases in the world every day! WHAT’S THAT YOU SAY?? Decay is the number one disease in the world! According to CDC (The Center for Disease Control) , about 93% of Americans have had decay and 75% have gum disease (#2 disease in the world) right now! Is that an epidemic or what? It’s stressing me out. I think we all need to be more educated and that’s my goal.
As a dentist my mission has always been and will always be to educate my patients. The definition of doctor is a teacher. So now at the peak of my career I’m seeing more disease than ever! Why is that? How can that be? I’m so frustrated, what can we do? Let’s work on this together. If you will read my story on this website (www.thepaleodentist.com) about of all of my health problems and how I solved them, you will see that “THE MOUTH IS THE WINDOW TO YOUR HEALTH”. You will also see that what you eat is the prevention and the doctor to about 80% of our health. That’s my guess as so many things in life seem to follow the 80/20 rule! According to the Academy of General Dentistry about 90% of all disease has a connection/link to your mouth! So if that is true, then we doctors need to do more teaching and less treating. There-in lies my reason for starting this blog. My patients and everyone else needs to hear the story and I’m here to give you my version. Also as part of our education and learning I have included my friend and world renown Cardiologist, Dr. John Seger M.D. Dr. Seger has worked with Dr. Denton Cooley M.D. (whose father was a dentist). I think Dr. Seger’s knowledge and collaboration will add emensly to the value and teaching from this site.
This is my first attempt at writing a blog and I’m from Houston Texas. YA’LL HEAR ME OUT NOW CAUSE I’M FIXIN TO TELL IT LIKE IT IS ACCORDING TO SPIKER and in Collaboration with DR. SEGER.
I have two profound questions for you that are simple but I bet you don’t know the answer
- Why is the UNITED STATES (the wealthiest nation in the world) ranked 51st in the world for life expectancy at birth. In 1950 we were 9th? Annual Review of Public Health Vol 33: 157-68
- Why did CAVEMAN have virtually NO decay, gum disease, heart disease, diabetes or cancer????
If you know the answer please email it to me now spiker@thepaleodentist.com
If you don’t know the answer I will give you my opinion and it’s a 4 letter word. GIVE UP?
It’s the DIET! I’ve got some statistics for you to wrap your head around-
The AVERAGE AMERICAN consumes about 170 POUNDS of sugar per year! That’s 3-4 POUNDS per week! That is about 450 teaspoons per week or 65 teaspoons per day!
The AVERAGE AMERICAN diet contains about 90% processed food!
I have two profound question for you that are simple but I’m am curious if you know the answer. So ask yourself what was the difference between your meals today and what CAVEMAN ate 25,000 years ago? Through my exhaustive research I have found that Caveman had NO SUGAR, NO DAIRY, NO GRAINS AND NO PROCESSED FOOD. Unless the tigers got him or he died in childbirth, he usually made it into his 90’s and just died from old age. The type of Diet that I’m talking about is called THE CAVEMAN DIET or also called THE PALEO DIET. Check it out www.thepaleodentist.com I think you will be amazed at what it can do for your dental health and your overall health as it has for me. As you know, diets come and go, but this one has been around for over a million years. I think GOD planned this out for us. Nothing works for everyone but this one has been a game changer for me. If something new comes out WE will be the first to let you know.