For months now the CDC and doctors around the world have been talking about COMORBIDITY. What the heck is COMORBIDITY? It is defined as the simultaneous presence of two chronic diseases or conditions in a patient. In reference to COVID 19, patients with a second underlying disease (such as high blood pressure, diabetes, lung disease and obesity) are more likely to contract the virus, have a much higher deterioration from COVID 19 and are much more likely to die. According to one study, 74% of patients that died had comorbidity. So, guess what? A new study from a doctor in California, Dr. Shervin Molayem, found a link between gum disease and the severity of COVID -19. That means one more comorbidity to worry about.
As we have discussed in this blog numerous times, many studies show that the inflammation from gum disease can double their long term risk of heart disease, diabetes, heart attack and stroke. Dr. Molayem’s research shows that one of the main contributors to inflammation and the connection to other diseases is a protein named IL-6. When you get plaque and tartar buildup in the mouth he found that IL-6 is released. Once released it can travel rapidly to the lungs. His findings suggest if a patient has gum disease and gets exposed to the Virus, they are much more likely to be hospitalized and much more likely to be on a ventilator. In reading other research the survival rate once on a ventilator is about 34%.
We don’t want to catch the virus & if we do, we don’t want to be hospitalized or put on a ventilator. Let’s not go there! So Dr. Moyalem’ research suggests that gum disease is comorbidity and it is possibly more serious than some of the other conditions such as diabetes, heart disease etc.
I have personally been telling my patients for at least 10 years about the connection between heart disease and gum disease. In fact, I tell them to “FLOSS OR DIE”! So now that we are seeing the connection between gum disease and COVID 19, it takes on a whole new meaning. I am of the convinced that the “MOUTH IS THE WINDOW TO YOUR HEALTH” and almost everything starts or enters here. If we take really good care of our mouth then our entire body reacts to that.
Research from Germany (posted in the Journal of Infectious Diseases-author Joni Luise Meister) just came out showing that rinsing with a mouthwash drastically lowers the viral load and Listerine Cool Mint was the strongest combatant. Even better news, after 3 rinses the mouthwashes had all but eliminated any trace of the virus. I strongly recommend you do this daily.
SUMMARY – In my opinion, your chance of dying from COVID 19- are much much higher than if you did not have GUM DISEASE. According to the CDC about 70% of all Americans have some form of gum disease. Let’s put a stop to the insidious disease. In many cases gum disease is easy to get rid of-DON’T EAT SUGAR, EAT PALEO, BRUSH YOUR TEETH AFTER EVERY MEAL, FLOSS TWICE DAILY, RINSE WITH LISTERINE COOL MINT AND SEE YOUR DENTIST REGULARLY!
“THE MOUTH IS THE WINDOW TO YOUR HEALTH” I think it is safer to go to the dentist than it is to go the grocery store or any of the big stores.
Dr. Spiker Davis D.D.S. spiker@thepaleodentist.com 713-781-2800 Dr. Matt Guerre D.D.S. 713-781-2800
In collaboration with Dr. John Seger M.D. Cardiologist 713-791-9444
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