Dr. Spiker Davis D.D.S. 713-781-2800 Dr. Matt Guerre D.D.S. 713-781-2800
In collaboration with Dr. John Seger M.D. Cardiologist 713-791-9444
I believe the mouth is the WINDOW TO YOUR HEALTH. I also believe that as individuals we need to take care of our health-nobody else is going to do it for us. I like to look at health and nutrition from a simple common-sense approach and that is why I like the PALEO DIET so much. You have heard me cuss and discuss and gripe about sugar as a poison. I believe that! I think it is one of the worst products you could ever put into your body. I also think it is more addictive than Cocaine or other drugs and I have many patients that just cannot stop the sugar. I had one patient the other day that consumes about 10 colas per day in addition to sugar in his coffee and he eats jellybeans all day long!! The American Heart Association recommends consuming no more than 6 grams of sugar per day. One cola can have between 10 and 40 grams per day. So, the person above was probably consuming 300-500 grams per day of sugar. Sounds to me like a heart attack looking for a place to land.
So, there are at least 10 signs that you are eating too much sugar. Let’s go through them 1 at a time.
- TOOTH DECAY-Sugar feeds the harmful bacteria in your mouth, and they release acid which eats a hole in your tooth. Cutting back on sugar means fewer cavities.
- GUM DISEASE-Sugar also feeds the bacteria that cause gum disease. When you feed those bacteria, they release toxins that infect the gums and can eventually infect the bone and lose your teeth!
- WHITE SPOTS ON YOUR TEETH-these are calcified spots that are caused by the acid released by the bacteria after you fed them Sugar.
- WEIGHT GAIN-Sugar is immediately converted to glucose and if you are consuming too much you can’t utilize it all so then it is stored as fat.
- CONSTANTLY CRAVING SWEETS-the more sugar you eat the more addictive it becomes, and you have to have more. Sugar is 8 times more addictive than cocaine!
- CONSTANTLY FEELING TIRED-when you eat sugar you have a sugar high and feel great, but it is rapidly taken out of the system and then you have a sugar low. This tells you that you want more, and the cycle repeats itself.
- YOUR DOCTOR TELLS YOU THAT YOU ARE PREDIABETIC-too much sugar leads to insulin resistance which means too much sugar builds up in your bloodstream, so you are unable to get the glucose out of the blood and this is very dangerous. If the blood sugar is too high, you become diabetic.
- STARTING TO BREAK OUT WITH ACNE-sugar can cause pores to clog and release certain chemicals that can cause acne or a breakout on the face and other parts of your body.
- BLOOD PRESSURE IS GOING UP-there are many things that cause blood pressure to go up but long-term sugar consumption is definitely on the list.
- CONSTANTLY GETTING COLDS OR FLU-Sugar consumption can definitely impair white blood cells which control your immune system. Impaired white blood cells mean you will get sick much easier. This is why diabetics are often chronically ill.
SUMMARY-It is obvious that your mouth is the window to your health. In my opinion, we need to eliminate sugar from our diet. Sugar, in my opinion, is a poison or toxic. It is clear that there is an increased risk of increased disease by having sugar in your diet. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 6 grams of SUGAR per day. As a Dentist, I think it should be 0 grams per day, but for sure no more than 2 grams. Otherwise, you will have expensive dental bills and probably other health conditions. It’s never too late- Practice good oral hygiene and AVOID SUGAR!