#19 Could Your Face Mask Be Causing Dental Problems?
We have spoken many times in the past about the cause and damage that occurs from having a dry mouth. Now, in the middle of this pandemic we are seeing another problem! As required in the State of Texas, everyone should wear a mask when out in public. All of the research now indicates that this is playing a major role in the prevention of the spread of COVID-19. So, what we are seeing in our practice is that many people are developing cavities and gum infections that normally have not been an issue. But, to go along with that, we are seeing an increase in the number of dry mouth syndrome.
Does a mask harm your dental health?
So it is not the mask that is actually causing the cavities and gum infections, but the mask causes dry mouth. Dry mouth can lead to cavity formation and gum infections. I also see a lot of patients who think that they have bad breath, so they consume a lot of breath mints while wearing their masks. Most breath mints contain a lot of sugar and in combination with a dry mouth create a lot of decay and gum issue.
I think what is happening is that most people are not used to wearing a mask and as you know, it makes breathing difficult. To compensate for that, we start breathing through our mouth and I think this is causing the dry mouth which leads to all of these dental problems.
So, what do we do?
FIRST OF ALL-PLEASE WEAR YOUR MASK IN PUBLIC! I don’t want another shut down and I know that you do not either. Second of all, do not increase your intake of sugar during this pandemic. Most breathe mints are loaded with sugar-so quit it! Also, sugary drinks can be devasting to the teeth and gums, so be sure to avoid colas and sugar drinks like Gatorade and margaritas.
There has been some minor research that rinsing with a mouthwash that contains alcohol or peroxide (both of which can kill the virus) may help slow down the spread or prevent you from getting the virus. There is not enough evidence yet, but it would probably help in some form and especially with oral health problems. In my case, I rinse with mouthwash every morning before I go to work and then brush after that. I also rinse and brush every time I eat if possible but especially before and after wearing my masks. What do we have to lose?
My advice…
SUMMARY-In my opinion, all patients could benefit from brushing and rinsing 3-4 times a day. If you have to have a breath mint, make sure that it is sugar free. Also, don’t skip your visit to the dentist. If you are having bad breath or dry mouth this could be a big indication of dental problems. I think it is much safer to go to the dentist than it is to go to the grocery store. Stay Safe!!!
Dr. Spiker Davis D.D.S. spiker@thepaleodentist.com 713-781-2800 Dr. Matt Guerre D.D.S. 713-781-2800
In collaboration with Dr. John Seger M.D. Cardiologist 713-791-9444
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