#16 NEW VIDEO – Why it’s safe to go to the dentist in the Corona virus age.
Dr. Spiker Davis D.D.S. 713-781-2800 Dr. Matt Guerre D.D.S. 713-781-2800 In collaboration with Dr. John Seger M.D. Cardiologist 713-791-9444
Last Friday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott allowed dentists to open back up to see patients. YEAH! What a relief or so I thought. We actually opened on Monday and it was really really different based on the guidelines from CDC, American Dental Association and the Texas Dental Association. We sent out emails announcing to our patients that we could finally see them to take care of all those problems and conditions that had occurred while we were closed such as broken teeth, missing fillings etc. We were happy and the patients were happy-what a relief.
What really bothered me was that there was a definite inconsistency in what I was reading. The CDC said that you should not go to your dentist. Dr. Birx from the Coronovirus Task Force said “There is nothing from the CDC that I can trust”. Yet, the Texas Dental Association and Governor Abbott said that we could open but had to follow guidelines recommended by the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners. Governor Abbott also said that 95% of Coronovirus tests were negative. I decided that since the Texas State Board was a group of dentists that I would follow their recommendations.
The main problem with that is all dentists are slightly different. For example, there is a huge difference between what an oral surgeon does and what an orthodontist does. There is also a huge difference in their patient population. I felt like I fell somewhere in between. So, what should I do? I decided that I would follow what the American Dental Association Toolkit said I should do. Their recommendations were followed by the Texas State Board and the Texas Dental Association, but it was a little more detailed and in a good outline form. Also Governor Abbott agree with the Texas State Board.
Listed here is what our office has done following ADA and TSBDE guidelines plus a few more from other sources
1. Prescreen patients when we call them. Make sure they have no symptoms and feel healthy etc.
2. Have them call us from their car when they arrive for their appointment and prescreen them again.
3. Tell them when to come into the office so that they don’t run into another patient. They must wear their mask from the car to our office and they can remove it when the doctor is ready to look into their mouth. Sign a new updated health questionnaire.
4. Upon arrival, we use a digital forehead thermometer and anyone with 99 degrees are less will be seen. Anyone with 100 degrees or higher will be sent home. So far everyone has been under 100.
5. We installed plexiglass shields for check in and check out like you see in the grocery store.
6. We purchased air purifiers to place in each treatment room to suck up any aerosols.
7. We purchased a high suction evacuation system to place in the patient’s mouth to also suck up any aerosol.
8. Of course, we have hand sanitizer and plastic covers on everything like computers, credit card machines etc.
9. We also leave the doors open so that no one has to touch the door handle coming in or out.
10. As long as supplies last we are giving patients a face mask or gloves if we think that they are high risk
SUMMARY- In my opinion, I think it is safer to go to the dentist than it is to go the grocery store or any of the big stores. Also, think about this – IF YOU ARE AFRAID TO GO OUT IN PUBLIC OR IF YOU ARE MEDICALLY COMPROMISED IN ANY WAY-THEN DON’T GO OUT!!! What do you think? Please send me your opinion.